The VC-AL1600 is a fully automated microprocessor-controlled multi-step charger designed for both industrial use and use at home. It enables gentle charging and proper maintenance of 12V lead-acid batteries and calcium batteries. The product features a maintenance charging mode as part of the 7-step charging profile, with battery capacity being continually monitored and recharged if...View more
1 retailerThe innovative frequency charger with multi-level fully automated charging characteristics IUoUp without voltage peaks is very impressive. Batteries can be charged in the connected state, without causing any damage to the vehicle electronics (motor control). The pulse-maintenance charging keeps them ready for use at 95 – 100%. The charger may also remain permanently connected to...View more
1 retailerThe battery regenerator is patented and ideally should be connected to the vehicle battery as a precautionary measure. The impulse generated by the unit can prevent or reduce the usual ageing sulfation effects in the battery (the reason for 80% of dead batteries). In this way, battery life can be increased by around 5 times....View more
1 retailerThe car battery charger is an 8-step car battery charger, which is used to charge and trickle charge 12V batteries. Select the desired charging program (normal, AGM, frost, maintenance or night) and the microprocessor-controlled car battery charger does everything fully automatically until the end of the charging cycle and for trickle charging of full batteries....View more
1 retailerThe CTC Duo Touch is the fusion of two high end chargers to a double-power-station. Particularly and so still never been seen are 2-touch displays, the micro-processor controlled high-performance dual battery charger control. The variety of application options offer the best charging program for each. Elegant design in aluminum casing and finest charging technology –...View more
1 retailerCharging with solar energy!Light, robust and high-quality make the solar panel Falcon for powerful and durable companion. No matter, whether at home, while camping or hiking and many more, you can charge your electronic helpers ensure via solar energy. The solar panel automatically detects the connected device for quick and efficient charging. For example, it...View more
1 retailerThe SKYRC Q200 is a 4-channel charger with four independant circuits to charge four different types of batteries in parallel. Through an active power distribution, the Q200 always provides the maximum possible power at each channel in order to shorten the charging times. The Q200 can also be connected to a PC and controlled, as...View more
1 retailerPerfect Charge IU0U-chargers from waeco charge is especially protective and are optimally prepared for future developments in the caravan area. Thanks to a standard bus interface add perfectly in bus systems of the caravan industry. Just as easily in the battery management system Dometic MPC01 integrate the charging process optimized and the charging times by...View more
1 retailerProfessional home charger for charging, fast charging, as well as to start of vehicles. Mobile on large-sized wheels and a convenient handle.This text is machine translated.View more
1 retailerSimilar to the diodes battery disconnect at the same time two or more batteries via a can with FET AC generator (or a battery charging device with a single output) can be charged without the batteries must be connected to each other. In contrast to the diodes Battery Isolation, is a FET separation as well...View more
1 retailer