You thought talking over the phone hands free was convenient enough. Wait till you get a hold of Plantronics CS351 SupraPlus Monaural Wireless Headset with Handset Lifter! With the state of the art wireless technology revolutionising today’s electronic and communication tools, Plantronics rides in the bandwagon with a wonder headset that will take your everyday communication needs to the next level. Ideal for call center agents and office professionals who are always on the go, the Plantronics SupraPlus Wireless Headset spells mobility, ultimate wearing comfort, hands free functionality and excellent audio quality. It allows you to walk and talk up to 300 feet away from your desk with its sophisticated wireless amplifier and ergonomically designed headset that provides you superior call clarity without strings attached! Now you can use both hands to maximize your productivity and experience freedom without the hassles of a leash. This Wireless Headset System comes with a sophisticated noise-canceling microphone that eliminates unnecessary background noise to enhance call clarity, as well as an Over-the-Head design that provides ultimate wearing comfort even through long hours of use. For added convenience, the headset also comes with a mute button and built-in mechanisms that allows you to answer and end calls while you’re away from your desk. It’s also protected with a 64-bit encryption ensures you of secured calls, and a 1.9GHz DECT frequency that minimizes interference with other devices. How would you like to make an important call while breezing your way to your next meeting? Or answer calls while conducting ocular inspections in your building or attending to various things at once? The new Plantronics CS351 SupraPlus Monaural Wireless Headset with Handset Lifter makes all these possible.... More