Meade Polaris Series Telescopes Journey into the depths of the universe from the comfort of own back garden with Meade Polaris Telescopes Developing and delivering high-quality optics for over 4 decades the Polaris proves to be yet another success story in the age-old respected Meade legacy featuring impressive apertures and high-resolution optics for delivering strikingly bright and clear views of the night sky Get the Whole Family Involved Allowing the entire family to share in the wonders of astronomy the Polaris Series come with everything you need to get started in a single box so you can spend more time enjoying your hobby and less time setting up With preassembled tripod and easy to follow set-up guide you can be observing the night sky within minutes Reach for the Stars (and the Moon the Planets) Whether you intend on observing the lunar surface distant planets stars and galaxies or other space phenomenon the Polaris Series feature a range of apertures and interchangeable eyepieces for detailed observation of variety of interesting objects at your preferred magnification Working in line with the Earth natural rotation stable German Equatorial mounts and slow motion controls make the Polaris particularly suited to deep space observations and smooth tracking of objects as they move across the night sky The included red dot finder scope aids the location of the desired objects with precision and ease to further improve the viewing experience Become an Astronomy Master Included in the box Meade Autostar Suite Astronomer Edition DVD Software will help expand your celestial knowledge away from the field providing information on more than 10000 space objects including planets stars galaxies and more Making sure you get the most out of your observing session it allows you to print out star charts and plan for the nights ahead... More