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Ambient Light Readings First set the appropriate film type, choose the display mode and memory channel (if present). Set the Mode switch to "AMBI", then simply aim the meter's light receptor at the scene and press the measurement button. Measurement readings will be calculated and appear in the almost immediately and color temperature measurements will be taken as long as the measurement button is held down. The KCM-3100's measuring range for ambient light is EV 3 to 16.3 using ISO 100. Three Display Modes LB (Light Balancing) and CC (Color Compensating) Indexes The LB index is used to select the right amber or blue LB filter needed to balance a light source. Its measurement is the mired difference between the photographic color temperature specified for the selected film type and the temperature of the light source. The CC index is the value of the required magenta or green colored CC filter. Filter number and CC index The Kodak Wrattan light balancing filter number (or numbers) needed, display directly in the LCD to make easy selection of amber or blue LB filter (s). The CC index is the value of the required magenta or green colored CC filter. Photographic Color Temperature The photographic color temperature of the light source is measured in degrees Kelvin and determined according to the spectral sensitivity of color films. Nine memory channels for customizing the meter to your working style Film and lighting equipment manufacturers all claim that their products are balanced to "daylight" (5500K) or "tungsten" (3400K or 3200K). However, their testing is performed in laboratories under highly controlled conditions. We live and photograph in the real word. CCD and CMOS sensors from different manufactures read and interpret color differently. Film from different manufacturers render color differently. Different batches of the same film render color differently. Different lighting equipment renders color differently. The quality and age of that equipment is also a factor. The sun cannot even be relied upon, rarely shines at a perfect (5500K) and can vary widely depending on time of day, weather and pollution in the air. The KCM-3100s nine memory channels make coping with these challenges much more simple. Once you determine the correct filt ration for the film or equipment being used you can simply enter the difference between your filt ration and the meter reading into the meter's memory. The meter will adjust all future reading accordingly. Flash Light Readings First set the appropriate film type and choose the display mode. Set flash range selctor switch to Hi or Lo depending on the output of the flash unit (s), set the shutter speed to be used (from 1 sec. to 1/500 sec.). The total flash measurement range is from f/2.8 to f/180 at ISO 100. Flash Reading With Sync Cord For Sync Cord setting, set the mode selector switch to"CORD" and connect the flash sync-cord to the Sync Terminal in the front of the KCM-3100, Then a temperature reading can be taken by simply pressing the Measurement button on the side of the meter. The flash will then fire, a measurement will be taken and the measurement reading will appear in the LCD display. Flash Reading Without Sync Cord When using a non-cord flash set-up, set the mode selector switch to "NON.C." Pressing the measurement button sets the meter in stand-by mode. When the flash is fired manually, a measurement will be taken and the measurement reading will appear in the LCD display. Analyzer Mode for Flash Light Measurements Only By setting the shutter speed to "F", the KCM-3100 will only display measurement readings for the light from a flash. Useful Shutter Speed Range A selectable range of shutter speeds from 1 full second down to a fast 1/500 of a second set in full stops for flash measurement. Lighting for Flash photography usually is made up of a combination of flash and ambient light. The KCM-3100 measures the "mixed" lighting at the selected shutter speed. After measurement the shutter speed set in the meter can be changed which effectively changes the ratio of ambient light to flash. The meter will automatically recalculate the results and display the new reading for the new shutter speed.... More